I Am Not Your Problem
A Story of Fiction
Inner turmoil can cause division among men....Unconditional love and truth spoken in love can overcome it.

I Am Not Your Problem
by Dr. Reve' M. Pete

I Am Not Your Problem


While in seminary, reading several of the books I used as references for my dissertation, The Impact of Holiness Preaching as Taught by John Wesley and the Outpouring of the Holy Ghost on Racism, I learned some of the reasons why many post-Civil War Southern Caucasian-Americans resented the freed slaves. I can see traces of those unresolved issues in American life today, as Americans of both races struggle to come to terms with a difficult and painful period in America’s past. I believe looking honestly and objectively at some of those “issues” will go a long way to help resolve the inner turmoil that helps to fuel racial division that stubbornly plagues American life.

The insight I gained through reading my dissertation references inspired this fictitious story. It is my hope that readers of this story will gain insight into how the struggles of human existence in American life have played a part in fueling racial division. It is also my hope that we Americans will be able to speak openly about the things that trouble us without fear and receive grace to overcome inner turmoil that can cause and fuel racial division.

“Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7


Unless otherwise noted, all scriptures are taken from the New King James Verion of the Holy Bible
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